Planner Reporting Beta Data Stage is a manual install. This is a fairly straightforward process that is mainly scripted.
The scripts are available for download at BetaDataStage, this zip contains two files LogicApp.json and PlannerDataFlow.json
We've adopted the terminology 'Data Stage' for the three components that deliver data to Planner Reporting:
- The Data Stage
- Azure Logic Apps - scripted
- Azure Api Management - manual
- PowerBI DataFlows - edit script
The Logic Apps are created by the script LogicApp.json
The Logic Apps deployment template creates the bare bones for building a Microsoft Planner API using Azure API Management. The API created by API Management is consumed by th DataFlow.
Implement by:
* Create an Azure Resource Group
* Deploy Template
* Authorise connectors for Planner and AzureAD
Note: You must have permission to run PowerShell Scripts
Manual deployment from PowerShell:
If you have more than one subscription you may want to:
Set-AzContext {_subscription id_}
Create a resource group
>New-AzResourceGroup `
-Name myResourceGroup `
-Location "Australia East"
>$templateFile = {_location of LogicApp.json_}
>New-AzResourceGroupDeployment `
-Name LogicApptemplate `
-ResourceGroupName myResourceGroup `
-TemplateFile $templateFile `
-TenantId {_The tenant ID of the Azure Active Directory application_}
Then go into Azure web and authorise the connections by using 'Edit API Connection' on the connections.
There are three connections:
- AzureAD - Azure Active Directory
- Office365User
- Planner
These are all read only connections.
Other Files
Create the API using API Manager as in the video on , just the first bit and include the LogicApp GetUserManager
The API Manager creates a URL to access all of the Logic Apps by the URL suffix such as 'getusermanager' using the subscription key as described in the video.
Edit the PlannerDataFlow.json to update the root API URL, you can also update the APIKey and the UserName while you are doing this, they are also available as parameters to the DataFlow. The base URL of the API Management instance must be hard-coded so that refresh will work correctly.
The areas to replace are enclosed by ellipsis(...) in the script. Example uses Visual Studio Code

Load the workflow as shown in the video.
Once the workflow is loaded it should be ready to use after a refresh. All plans are loaded for the username specified.
Connect your Planner Reporting Beta Power BI App to the workflow and refresh that and you should have an App.