We have a new version of the Planner Reporting data stage set-up scripts available, this is Data Stage V2. The main features of V2 are:
- The scripts are tested with API Management on the consumption based plan, this enables potential cost saving
- API Management has a faster, simpler and more automated set-up
- A new PowerBI DataFlow Template with parameter substitution for simpler set-up

The Power BI Planner Reporting Application does not require any changes to work with the new script. The modified DataFlow can be installed in the same location as the current workflow for a relatively seamless upgrade experience.
Companion media is the video and the script download (updated to v2.1 2021-12-7)
The video covers how to use the scripts, prerequisites are a PowerBI Pro license and an Azure Subscription. Download the Planner Reporting PowerBI App
Unzip the scripts and read the instructions. The first step is to log onto Azure in the your browser and create a fresh resource group, the script will create all the other resources in the same region as the resource group.
Create an API Management resource in the browser, you can use the Consumption Plan. Create this resource in the same region as the resource group. The name of the API Management needs to be unique, so you may need to experiment before you achieve a suitable name. It may take a few minutes for your API Management resource to deploy.
Run the scripts on your desktop using PowerShell. I use and recommend Windows Terminal for running PowerShell, which is it's default shell.
Set-AzContext {Your Subscription Id}
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment `
-Name LogicApptemplate `
-ResourceGroupName PlannerAPI `
-TemplateFile .\azuredeploy.json `
-apim-name PlannerAPIX
Substitute your own resource group and API Management resource name. This won't take long to run and after it runs you will need to authorise the three API connections by clicking the connection and then selecting API connection. This is shown in the video.
The next step is to edit and load the DataFlow Template, again see the video.
.\ReplaceTokens.ps1 -Template PlannerFlowTemplate.json -Output PlannerFlow.json `
-ApiName {PlannerAPI} -ApiKey {Api-Key} -UserName {UserName}
Use your own PlannerAPI name, key, and the user name for reporting (without the {}). The DataFlow will report all plans of which the user is a member. You can have mutiple flows using the same API Management resource for different users and then connect to the flow from different instance of the Planner Reporting App.
Load the output DataFlow into the workspace of your choice, authorise it as 'anonymous', and then connect an instance of Planner Reporting, and you should have an App working on your data.
The idea for automating the Azure deploy template came from a talk given to the Brisbane Azure User Group by Bill Chesnut and Bill rendered some invaluable assistance with the prototype script.